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Search and Find on Favorite Channels
Speed up Search Requests with Bookmarklet

Search and Find on Favorite Channels

Bookmarking filters of frequently used search targets speeds up daily researching.

Once again looking for results on my prefered channels, I was tired of typing site:foo, site:bar,... So just in early monday morning elan I added a nice little bookmark and named it "magnifier webdesign".

In general bookmarklets work fine like this:

javascript:(function(){ [...here your code...] })();

So to query something like "select text javascript site:stackoverflow.com | site:w3schools.com" I use the following code for my bookmarklet:

(function () {
var filter = '+site:stackoverflow.com+|+site:w3schools.com+';
var t;
try {
t= ((window.getSelection && window.getSelection()) ||
(document.getSelection && document.getSelection()) ||
(document.selection && document.selection.createRange && document.selection.createRange().text));
catch(e){ t = "";}
var selectedText = t.toString();
location.href='https://www.google.ch/search?q=' + encodeURIComponent(selectedText) + filter;
}) ()
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