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Buildout Desaster [solved]

Buildout Desaster [solved]

virtual environment and requirements.txt

Still having problems with buildout? Not anymore!

zc.buildout version x is required, but version y is also around and raises a conflict? Try this:

Use a virtual environment: a Python just for your project.

$ virtualenv -p python2 --no-site-packages plonepy
$ source ./plonepy/bin/activate
create a requirements.txt with
setuptools == 38.7.0
zc.buildout == 2.11.2
with current versions (setuptools, zc.buildout).
NOTE: setuptools and zc.buildout versions must be in sync with versions.cfg
$ mkdir foo
$ cd foo
$ git clone ... .
$ pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
$ ../plonepy/bin/buildout  -c mybuildout.cfg
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